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Karlie Montana, Jana Cova, and Charlie Laine looked great here.Įxtra's: The only extras were a slideshow, a biography for Jana Cova, a photogallery, as well as trailers to shows like Pirates II, Island Fever 4, Jack's Playground 33, Shay Jordan: All American Girl, Icon, Tryst, Pirates, and the usual Virtual Sex titles like Virtual Sex with Shay Jordan, Virtual Sex with Kira Kener, Virtual Sex with Jana Cova, Virtual Sex with Mercedez, Virtual Sex with Sophia Santi, Virtual Sex with Teagan Presley, Virtual Sex with Jesse Jane, and Virtual Sex with Nikki Tyler.Īudio/Video Quality: Jack's Big Ass Show 7 was presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen color as shot by director Robby D. Cast: Candy Manson, Ben English, Micah Moore, Scott Nails, Jana Cova, Karlie Montana, Charlie Laine, Kimberly Kane, Tommy Gunn, Velvet Rose

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